AS-067 JA1YUC/6 Uji Island info
Yesterday, I sent my e-mail to JE1SCF,JF1QQR and JG4IQC.
And I just recived returning e-mail from JE1SCF/Mr. Nakagawa.
He said to me for his plan;
"Thank you very much for your IOTA informations. We are preparing for
going to AS-067. The member will consist 8 operators who has licence
of first class to third class, but 5 persons will be fishing.
Gou/JA1QXY and others will be supporting for overseas.But we do not
participate in a IOTA contest positively.I mistook to send my infos to
American contest website.Our operating time is at 2200UTC 24th to
0900UTC 26th about working 30 hours. We are using Rotary Dipole for
40/30m, Spider beam for 20/17/15m and 2 elements delta beam for 6m.
Almost we will be running 2 stations.I'd like to operate JA1YUC/6
but sometimes use self-callsign.we will always send 6m beecon and
be watching 6m.
We will send our details to you next chance.Please support for us.
When we had operated from AS-041 Oki Island 20 years over,we had big
pile-up from EUs and NAs.We were very pleased with Island operations.
Our club station consists many outdoor stylers and Island expeditioners.
If you have not AS-067 credited, Please look forward seeing them.And if you have a chance, please send me your e-mail. I will be supporting for you surely.
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