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« CD on the way for Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 | トップページ | Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 »

2010年10月20日 (水)

Tokyo IOTA meeting

Dear IOTA chasers and peditioners,

My nine IOTA friends and I hold IOTA meeting in Tokyo on 28th October. My IOTA friends are very active for IOTA chasing. And we are supporting for IOTA pedition of the Pacific Ocean area. It's already exceeding 20 affairs for Oceania, North America and South America.

Moreover, Aki JA1NLX who carried out OC-171 IOTA pedition recently will also participate for our IOTA meeting. I ask a surely hot message of our Tokyo IOTA meeting from the IOTA fan in the world.


« CD on the way for Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 | トップページ | Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 »




« CD on the way for Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 | トップページ | Tokyo IOTA meeting 2 »