OC-185 Bremer Island VK8BI exVK8PDX/P 2012
Craig VK4LDXはVK8PDXのコールサインにてOC-185から出てくるアナウンスを昨年からしていましたが、本日下記のinfoをいただきましたので掲載します。
I'm pleased to announce that my next IOTA DXpedition will be to Bremer Island OC-185 on April 18 to 23 2012 using the callsign VK8BI. I will be running 400W into a Spiderbeam yagi for 10-12-15-17-20 on a 10m Spiderbeam. Operation will be SSB only (although I will have the capability of running PSK31/RTTY at rare moments). OC-185 was last activated in 2004 for two days and prior to that in 1999 and is only claimed by 20% of IOTA program participants. A strong focus will be on North America and Europe. Full operation details are available at qrz.com which gives details of the blog site that outlines best operating times to different regions of the world.
73s de Craig VK8AS
なお彼は新しくVK8ASのコールを取得しました。さらにペディションはVK8BIを使用する予定です。返信メールによりIOTA Marathonの説明と3bands以上で積極的にサービスするようお願いしました。
Hi Shu
I'm sure we'll be able to have 3 band QSO's. During the day I'll be on 10m, 12m, 15m and 17m and in the early evenings on 17m and 20m all with beam headings favourable to JA.
So I look forward to giving you the 3 band QSOs
73s de Craig VK8AS
« OC-221 YB8Y info(3/20-3/16 2012) | トップページ | OC-199 VK6YS/P West Lewis Island postpone »
« OC-221 YB8Y info(3/20-3/16 2012) | トップページ | OC-199 VK6YS/P West Lewis Island postpone »