OC-098 E51 Nassau Island Plan (1st-3rd Feb 2017)
[IOTA-chasers] Possible Activation of OC-098 Nassau Atoll (Pukapuka Group AKA Danger Islands)
Amateur Radio Cook Islands IOTA OC-098 Nassau Island, North Cook Islands (Pukapuka Group aka Danger Islands). POSSIBLE Activation Feb 1, 2 and 3 2017 Andy, E51AND will be traveling to Nassau Atoll departing Saturday 28th January arriving Nassau on Tuesday/Wednesdayas part of a team to assess the damage to MV Moana Nui grounded on the reef at Nassau yesterday. (thus “Danger Islands”) He is taking a Yaesu FT857D, LDG tuner and a 43ft vertical he hopes to mount in or near the lagoon. Limited to 75 – 100watts SSB and QRS CW. Very basic station. No internet.
The primary focus will be the assessment of the vessel, but he hopes to operate on 1st, 2nd and 3rd February during his spare time and in the evenings (0500z – 0900Z) on whichever bands are open. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and QRZ after his return around February 11th. NOTE: He is attempting to secure the callsign E51AD or E51AN for this North Cooks operation to distinguish it (and future N Cooks operations) from his regular South Cooks activities. Andrew (Andy) N. Duncan
P.O. Box 518, Avarua
Cook Islands
Phone: +682 25995
Mobile: +682 79904
E51AND AndyさんがMV Moana Nuiと言う名の船を調査するチームに参加することが決まったのでしょうか。そのチームメンバーが2月1日から3日の空き時間(0500-0900z)にQRVするかもしれません。SSBとQRS CWになりますが、最も開いたバンドをFT-857Dに43ft(約12メータ)のVerticalにチューナーを付けて75-100ワットで運用するそうです。
①KH6MG/ZK1 Pukapuka Atoll(Sep-Oct 58)
②ZK1AF Pukapuka Atoll(May 82)
③ZK1DP Pukapuka Atoll( ) by JA1OEM
④ZK1KH Pukapuka Atoll(Dec 95-Jan 96) by KEN HOLDOM ZL4HU
⑤ZK1MB Pukapuka Atoll(Aug 79)
⑥ZK1TW Pukapuka Atoll(Oct 92) by ZL1AMO
⑦ZK1XP Pukapuka Atoll(Jun-Jul 82)
の7つのコールがクレジットを受けています。Nassau Islandは初めてのQRVになります。ところで2016年9月6日にFacebookでドイツチームが2017年3月にOC-098 Pukapuka Atollを計画しているというアナウンスがありましたが、明らかに別のグループでしょう。
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