OC-130 VK3FY/DU8
I am currently in the Philippines and will operate from OC-130 from 19 Jan - 4 Feb. If time permits I will also activate OC-235 on or around 31 Jan 2009. The callsign will be VK3FY/DU8
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« OC-150 YB3MM/9 next QRV plan | トップページ | Google EarthのIOTA MAP »
Due to the sudden increase of Rebel Insergency within the area, and the advise from local Miltary & Police commanders. I have had to pospone the trip to OC-235.
Even with an Armed Police escort, the Military have not been able to assure the safety of the operators, and hence I have had to pospone this attempt to activitate this island for the 4th time. I hope all those that were waiting for this activation will understand and can wait paitiently until my return to be able to activate this IOTA.
投稿: JN6RZM | 2009年2月 1日 (日) 09時26分