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« AS-115 Canceled from Daniel/DL5YWM | トップページ | OC-167 Kapingamarangi Atoll V63MY »

2009年2月25日 (水)

AS-115 TA0/DL2JRM/P QRVing!


[20:16:42] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Hi Shu. René is now on 14040.1 CQing....
[20:17:30] Shuの発言: Yes, I set up my antenna from verandar.
[20:18:14] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: roger...
[20:19:23] Shuの発言: I am listening on 14040.1
[20:21:43] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Any copy from René ?
[20:23:08] Shuの発言: Sorry I can't.
[20:24:25] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: He just lsn. up1-2 ... can your hear the stations calling him?
[20:26:34] Shuの発言: No signals from here.
[20:27:01] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: aha... I will CQ for you on 14047 now....
[20:27:38] Shuの発言: Yes, QSY to 14047
[20:28:11] Shuの発言: weeeeeeeeeee k signals
[20:31:14] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: very low condx now on 20m....
[20:31:55] Shuの発言: I think so, too.
[20:35:11] Shuの発言: I heard him on 14040.1 229/339 heavy QSB.
[20:36:31] Shuの発言: Now no signals from here.
[20:36:44] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: aha, René CQing again....
[20:41:05] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: he just said QSY to 17m...
[20:41:30] Shuの発言: Good idea!
[20:41:46] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: He is now on 18081.2 CQing
[20:43:15] Shuの発言: No signals.
[20:47:54] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: I just wkd. him but he is very weak.
[20:48:02] Shuの発言: I make a Sked with EU-041 IM0QMA next *** at ****z on *****. Please support me.
[20:48:33] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Yes, no problem. I will be there to take a look on ***.
[20:49:05] Shuの発言: Fabrizio/IM0QMA have 10 elements wire beam.
[20:49:14] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: René using a vertical and 100W.
[20:49:40] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: ohh, I think this sked will works for you.
[20:49:57] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: I have 5el@18m.
[20:50:45] Shuの発言: I am very difficult toward VU to TA from here. I worked only 30m for TA-land.
[20:51:07] Shuの発言: Wow! 5 elements beam.
[20:51:32] Shuの発言: Please lent me for 1 element. Ahaha
[20:52:01] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: René will fly back to Germany tomorrow. I don't think that he will stay over night on the island.
[20:52:35] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: I have another 3el Yagi in the barren without use.
[20:54:04] Shuの発言: My poor antenna is given by my skill-up. I checked resistant IOTA stations on for EU and NA.
[20:54:41] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: I am sorry that AS-115 doesn't work for you... but anyway we tryed and that is the main thing.
[20:55:09] Shuの発言: I looked up 50 to 60s IOTA stations and made our Sked. Worked 48 IOTAs.
[20:55:32] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Thats a good rate. Congrats.
[20:55:44] Shuの発言: Do not worry to not work him.
[20:56:14] Shuの発言: Yes, thanks Daniel. Cuagn next. Please call me agn.
[20:56:50] Shuの発言: Arigatou-gozaimashita!
[20:56:52] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Your are welcome.
[20:57:13] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Let me always know when I can help you.
[20:57:14] Shuの発言: I am taking my bathe. 73!
[20:57:24] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Have a nice evening.
[20:57:26] Shuの発言: Many tnx!
[20:57:27] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: 73!
[20:57:39] Shuの発言: Danke!
[20:58:00] Daniel, DL5YWMの発言: Bitte.


« AS-115 Canceled from Daniel/DL5YWM | トップページ | OC-167 Kapingamarangi Atoll V63MY »





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: AS-115 TA0/DL2JRM/P QRVing!:

« AS-115 Canceled from Daniel/DL5YWM | トップページ | OC-167 Kapingamarangi Atoll V63MY »