DXpedition to NA-191
DanielよりNA-191行きの情報が流れてきました。ハイコストのため、ドネーションを希望しています。下記のURLの中にPaypalボタンがありますのでぜひご協力ください。 ドネーションギャザリングはJAの近郊のみと考えております。3月末にはアンテナを一時撤収するため、ここからは交信できません。ドネーション実施者でSked希望者はお申し出ください。積極的に連絡します。
Dear Shu-san,
how are you? I hope you are doing fine.
In these days I am very busy with my studies on the university.
But after I will start to travel again.
I will go with René/DL2JRM to Peru at the begining of April.
During our stay we will made a little detour to Costa Rica to support DK6AO's DXpedition
to Isla San Jose / IOTA NA-191.
As I told your in our last skype-chat I want to offer skeds for your group of IOTA friends to work NA-191. I saw that nobody in Japan has this island confirmed.
A exclusive QSL-service with the QSL-manager Klaus, DK6AO is also possible.
Due too the high costs for transportation and permissons any support is highly appreciated and could be send via www.ti7.info using the PayPal button.
I Hope to hear from you soon.
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