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« OC-070 YC0IEM/8 infomation | トップページ | Subscribed for IOTA chasing »

2009年10月 3日 (土)

P29 2009 Derekよりの御礼


My dear Shu,
Thank you - what a wonderful job you did for us, collecting all those
donations.  Please pass our grateful thanks to all those who so kindly
contributed.    In 2 weeks time we leave from London at the start of our
dxpedition.  G3USR, M0VTG and I will travel to London together (we live
fairly near to each other).  At London we will meet Luis, CT1AGF.  We
fly together via Singapore to Port Moresby and Rabaul.  We have some
shopping to do in Kokopo.  (Kokopo has now become the main town since
the Turvurvur volcano erupted and covered Rabaul).  We have one night at
the Kokopo Village Resort to recover from the long journey and the
following day we board Barbarian II.

We look forward to contacting you all.

Next Saturday I will be giving a talk about our P29 activities at the
RSGB Convention.

Best 73 Derek

RSGBのconventionに参加するんですね。たいへんなコストを使った大事業ですね。毎年やっているからこそ簡単にプランができあがるのでしょう。今回も成功するでしょう。ドネータの皆様にはQSLカードを交信データを提供いただければvia JN6RZMにて回収し配布いたします。

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