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« CE6TBN/JA | トップページ | Ham Fair in Lisboa »

2009年10月 8日 (木)

SA-062 PW6C info from PY7RP

思いがけなくRenner/PY7RPよりメールをいただきました。彼は私のブラジルの友人Cris/PY7GKの友人で2006年12月のSA-023 ZY6Tへ一緒にペディションへ行ったそうで、私のことをよく知っているようです。今回SA-062 PW6Cへ行くことになり、その状況を的確にレポートしています。PDFファイルも併せて積極的にJAのIOTAチェイサーへご送付くださいとの依頼です。

Hello Shuji,

Here is Renner, PY7RP.

How are you? Hope fine!

Maybe you don't remember me but i have been in ZY6T (SA-023) together with Cris, PY7GK in December-2006.

That time, i remember you sent us an e-mail asking for a DXpedition to SA-062 (Coroa Vermelha Isl.) and that is why i am sending this e-mail to you.

I know you are an avid IOTA Hunter and maybe you have many friends who also are IOTA enthusiasts in JA so this information may be of interest for you and your friends.

Me and a group of friends are going to SA-062 between 11 to 16 of upcoming November. This operation will include Mike, K9AJ an experienced operator being operated from tens of IOTAs including BS7H - 2007 operation. Also other well known PY operators as PY7XC, PY7ZY and PY0FF who had operated many times from PY0S and other IOTAs. Unfortunately Cris, PY7GK could not be with us this time due to job restrictions.

The callsign will be: PW6C and you can see all the information on:
HTTP://WWW.PW6C.COM  - Please forward this info to other JA's.

In ZY6T, we made over 300 QSO's with JA's, also some VK's and ZL's, which made us very proud and happy to give "opportunity to friends on the other side of the world" on working a brand new IOTA island!.

Some supporting organization will help us since the budget for this operation is very high and is estimated in USD $6,000. Even thought individual contributors (with any amount) are very welcome as well as donations of other amateur radio organizations with interest on this project.

I am sending to you the DXpedition Project attached, please get a look.

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to other IOTA hunters.


Renner, PY7RP
PW6C Team member




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