OC-278p Ujelang Atoll info10
もちろん、YuriにQSLカードのvia JN6RZMサービスの了解をいただくつもりです。さきほど午後10時過ぎに届いたメールです。
Hi Shu-san,
I will email Andy RZ3EM, he will add Mr. Eichi to the site.
Regarding paypal I think they charge us 2.9% for receiving, even they list 3.9%
for receiving in US, but because volume is large every month it is slightly
discounted. Inside US it does not cost anything if you select personal payment,
but probably not available internationally.
Paypal is a quicker option. Since in Marshall Islands very few places accept
credit/debit cards I better have real cash before traveling. Different from US,
here cash is never needed. Hi Hi
Thanks again to you and all supporters, it is a big part of total expenses!
I need to mail one more package to V73 (dry food and camping supplies), but my
postal software is acting up. They already received 2 of 3 packages in Majuro.
In worst case will have to drive to Post Office today.
Less then one week is left before departure.
Yuri N3QQ