NA-242 K6VVA/KL7 info 3
日曜日のIOTAコンテスト終了後の夜10時くらいに表題のNA-242 RickとNA-232 Yuriに御礼のメールを送りました。
Hello Rick-san,
Thank you very much for your very enjoyable IOTA pedition.
It's very hard condition for me. But finally, I worked your K6VVA/KL7
on 30mCW Sunday evening at 1029UTC 24th.
I am very happy and pleased to meet you on the air. Bur it's only one.
Perhaps, the condition's very hard there.and your operation tool is very
good for supporting for my contacting.
And I am very happy you had safty trip too.
GM, Shu:
Tnx for your nice email, and also for your kind advance donation before we
left on the trip. We appreciated all your assistance in helping with other
advance donations from JA operators for this very expensive trip.
FYI, your QSO was with Mike/K9AJ who did all the 30m CW at NA-242:
>QSO: 10108 CW 2011-07-24 1029 K6VVA/KL7 599 JN6RZM
I am very happy to see JN6RZM in the K6VVA/KL7 NA-242 log :^)
Attached is a photo of Mike/K9AJ in the Barrow, Alaska airport with our
luggage and equipment cases. We also advance mailed/shipped two generators
and other boxes directly to NA-242 - hi. Included is photo of our TS-480HX
(200w) stations on the Island in an old trailer with Mike/K9AJ QRV on 30m or
We made 3,875 QSOs from NA-242 until SFI=86 and solar condx in the Arctic
declined to only CQ-CQ-CQ with no answers.
73 and Tnx again, Shu...
Rick, K6VVA * The Locust
c. K9AJ, N6AWD
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