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« OC-239 YB0MWM/9 Doom Island for Nusantara award | トップページ | Our friendships from Hans and Derek 2 »

2013年1月 9日 (水)

8th Annual IOTA Bash

AD5A MikeよりIOTA-chasers Forumに表題の第8回IOTA Bash開催の案内が掲載されました。2カ月後の3月1日(金)-2日(土)の二日間テキサス州BoerneのFairfield Inn & Suites by Marriottにて開催されます。
Its time again for the Annual IOTA BASH. Started in 2006, the BASH has become one of the signature IOTA events in the U.S., with presentations from some of the most active expeditioners in IOTA and lots of time to interact with many "Top of the List" islandchasers as well as the expeditioners in a quaint Texas Hill Country setting. 
The dates this year are March 1 -2, 2013.
The Bash will be held at the :
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
6 Cascade Caverns Road
Boerne, Texas 78006
Reserve your room today and mention the BASH for a special rate.
Friday , March 1
7:00 - ??? Dinner at AD5A's QTH (spouses welcome)(worth the registration fee)
This dinner is always rich in conversation both of expeditions but also has seen the germination of many expedition plans. It's always a great time.
Saturday , March 2
8:00 Breakfast at the Fairfield (spouses) welcome
9:00 - 4:00 Presentations and social time (lunch provided)
(XYL's leave after breakfast for an all shopping trip until 4:00)
6:00 Dutch dinner TBD in Boerne
Registration forms are available on the Island Radio Expedition Foundation (IREF) website, .
As you can see, the BASH is very XYL friendly.
Drop me an email at ad5a(at) with any questions. I hope to see you there.
Mike AD5A

« OC-239 YB0MWM/9 Doom Island for Nusantara award | トップページ | Our friendships from Hans and Derek 2 »




« OC-239 YB0MWM/9 Doom Island for Nusantara award | トップページ | Our friendships from Hans and Derek 2 »