International DX Convention and 18th Annual IOTA Dinner
N6VR Rayさんから表題の案内が届きました。多くの方へお伝えくださいとありますので掲載させていただきました。
To IOTA Dx-Peditioners:
I am sending you this email to announce the International DX Convention and
18th Annual IOTA Dinner on 19 April 2013 in Visalia, California. Please
check out the DX Convention web page for details:
de Ray, N6VR, and I am organizing the Friday evening IOTA Dinner. I would
like to ask if you would like to attend and make an IOTA presentation at
the IOTA Dinner? The official IOTA Dinner Announcement has not been sent
out yet. I am still waiting on the final room/meal contract from the
Marriott Hotel. You will receive the notice very soon.
Currently, I have Yuri, N3QQ presenting on NA150 and NA240, and Rick, K6VVA
presenting on some of his recent IOTA operations. Over the years, we have
most often have had representatives from the RSGB who tell us about the
RSGB IOTA program and provide door prizes. We would certainly like to have
you at this Dinner and see your presentation on some of your IOTA
Please let me know your thoughts. If you are not able to make it to DX
Convention this year, think about next year! If you know of other IOTA
Expeditioners that may like to attend, please forward this email to them.
Tnx and 73,
Chino Valley, AZ
上記ウェブサイトは大変参考になります。IOTA Meetingを国内で実施する際の企画内容として参考にしたいです。N3QQ YuriさんやK6VVA Rickさんのペディションの発表をされるならば、「JAサポーターによるOC-271 YB8XM/P Babar Island実行への支援」の内容で発表できるレベルと思います。どうにかして実現したいですね。
昨年のN3QQ Yuriさんのプレゼンテーションは2012年9月に開催しました第1回九州IOTA Meeting in Fukuokaへ持参しましたが、場所が悪く公開することができませんでした。たいへん残念です。
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« IOTA-H4 Solomon Islands wanted list 2013 | トップページ | IOTA Marathon for operation on February 2013 »