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« OC-271 YB8XM/P Babar Island QSL card received | トップページ | OC-208 Banggai Islandの進捗 (12.May.2013) QRZ.comオープン »

2013年5月11日 (土)

This morning conversation for YB5NOF John

昨晩OC-271 YB8XM/P babar IslandのQSLカード56局分63枚が届きましたので発送処理をするとともにJA並びにEU/NAのドナーの皆様とYB5NOF Johnさんにメールを送りました。この朝、PCをあけるとえらいこと。EU/NAからのメールがどんと届いていました。さらにJohnさんからもいよいよ出発だが問題が一つあるといつもの独特な言い回しでメッセージが届いていました。残念ながらお膝元のJA各局からは1通のメールも届いていないという不思議な現象でありました。

当然、Johnの問題を片付けることに傾注し、下記の内容のとおりとしました。さらにEU/NA各局へ返事を書きましたが、Johnさんの問題の回答がEU/NAへ電波を届けるということでありましたので、IOTA-chasers Forumへ表題のタイトルで書き込みを実施し詳細情報の伝達を試みました。
Hi all,
This is the conversation for me and YB5NOF John on Facebook.
For OC-271 QSL cards and OC-208 Banggai Island plan, and OC-109 and OC-122 next plan.
Shuji Yamamoto
I just received OC-271 YB8XM/P Babar Island QSL cards from YB9BU Kadek yesterday evening from Japan postal. Just 63 QSL cards for 56 stations. I made 50 envelopes last evening. Here are our plesures from 56 stations. I am very very happy now. And I have worked the No.1 contact for Joppy on Babar Island. Also I have received OC-271 QSL card for No.1 QSL card in the world. Happy! I would like to make your OC-208 contact for No.1 QSO in the world as OC-271. Ahahahaha
I will be watching all day on 16th May. Hi
And please be safty!! Have your nice trip. John-san, Thanks, thanks!
John E. Daluas
Good morning Shu San, last night, we have meeting with Member of Orari Palu, we will go to Luwuk mobile at 13/05 05.00 lokal time, our big problem is ANTENA, and to day we try to get it, on this case I hope you can help us with a good antenna for my next activity.
Shuji Yamamoto
Hi John-san, OK. I try to gather the donation for Spiderbeamantenna same as YB8XM Joppy. Transportation fee from Spiderbeam antenna company(Germany) and the mast and Spiderbeamantenna body is 600-700USD. I can gather the cost from Japanese friends. But Failure of Joppy's Project was a storage fee of Customs.Nobody did not go to pick up the Jakarta airport. If Anyone go to Jakarta Customs, we did not need to pay 500USD. Ahahahaha
Shuji Yamamoto
It's very easy, I think so. The GDXF and IREF are supporting for your travel cost. We will be supporting for Spiderbeam antanna cost. Do not worry.
I would like to deliver the strongest radio waves for East coast anytime. I and John will make their plan for OC-109 and OC-122 after OC-208.
Thanks for your reading.
 IOTA-chasers Forumへ殴り込みをかけるような文書になってしまいましたが、K0AP DraganさんやDX-World.netのColさんが応援して下さると信じていますので、YBのActivityが全世界に伝わると思います。ますます面白くなりそうです。

« OC-271 YB8XM/P Babar Island QSL card received | トップページ | OC-208 Banggai Islandの進捗 (12.May.2013) QRZ.comオープン »




« OC-271 YB8XM/P Babar Island QSL card received | トップページ | OC-208 Banggai Islandの進捗 (12.May.2013) QRZ.comオープン »