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« AF-119 Coetivy Islandのコンディション | トップページ | W-IOTA wanted list 2015作成の中間報告 »

2015年11月21日 (土)

OC-286P ZL9A Cezarからのメッセージ

この朝に2016年1月7-11日に行われますZL9Aに関してのVE3LYC CezarからIOTA-chasers Forumにメッセージがはいりましたのでご参考に転載します。

Hi guys,
I am sure that you all know by now that we are preparing an operation from the Antipodes Is. (ZL9), OC-286, to take place between approximately January 7 and 11, 2016. DX World has kindly posted the announcement last Monday. Following that announcement we received some very nice messages of support from different IOTA chasers, for which we are most grateful. Roger (G3KMA) summarized our work very nicely when he wrote "Hearty congratulations on getting the permission for this operation. It must have been a gargantuan effort." Yes, it was indeed!
Unfortunately, we also received a couple of unpleasant messages from operators who criticized us for requesting support from the community by overstating project costs, when - in their opinion - we will be guests of the DoC. I must underline that such opinions are completely uninformed, originating from people who didn't document themselves before wasting someone else's time. Please allow me to clearly state that neither our transportation nor any other expenses related to our project are covered by the DoC. It is actually the other way around: it is our team who offered transportation to the DoC team. Through us, this is the contribution of Amateur Radio community to their very important MDM project and other research activities they are undertaking. This is the very reason why we were successful in convincing DoC to approve this project.
Our team is honored and proud of this partnership, and absolutely thrilled to collaborate with a group of extremely dedicated, top notch researchers into the wildlife of Sub-Antarctic Islands. For more information, please visit our website at,<> where you can read more about the above mentioned partnership (
Any donations will be used to offset a part of our very high travel costs. A Thank You to those of you who have already joined our team by supporting its efforts, and a Please Donate to those who still considering it.
Thank you,
Cezar, VE3LYC

« AF-119 Coetivy Islandのコンディション | トップページ | W-IOTA wanted list 2015作成の中間報告 »




« AF-119 Coetivy Islandのコンディション | トップページ | W-IOTA wanted list 2015作成の中間報告 »