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« NA-065 KL7QK Shaw Island (WA)とのSked(2015.12.24) | トップページ | OC-286P ZL9A Cezarからのメッセージ 3 (2015.12.25) »

2015年12月24日 (木)


DX-World.netにRussian Robinson Clubの会長でありますUA9OBA Yuriさんのメッセージが掲載されました。ヤル気満々ですね。2015年はあっという間にIOTA-peditionのEU地区、AS北極海地区とASオホーツク海地区を連発してくれました。

Dear colleagues, friends and RRC members!
On behalf of Council of Russian Robinson Club I congratulate you with Christmas and New Year 2016!
The 2015th disappears: this year was slated with many radio amateur events. RRC took
active part in the II International radio amateur Festival “InterHAM-2015” in Voronezh,
Russia. At a festival took place: RRC/IOTA forum, presentations of new video films and
displays of a slide-show about last most interesting expeditions of RRC members, rewarding of winners in various nominations RRC for 2014, a traditional football match with the RRC team, various competitions... It is possible to examine results of participation of RRC in InterHAM-2015 on .
The Festival Grand Prix – the film "Search of "Sannikov's Earth"” about expedition of
R3RRC/0 (is. Brusnev, AS-082) –
Please visit and feel free to share the link with your friends!
In the expiring year there were also other noticeable events in life of our club. So, under flags of Russian Robinson Club and the Russian Geographical Society radio expedition RT9K/0 on Dobrzhanskogo island of Shelikhova Bay Group on Kamchatka was successfully carried out – IOTA NEW ONE AS-203 allocated according to the demand of RRC in 2014 was for the first time activated. Pleased "islands hunters" (the world radio amateur community) expeditions of "Russian Robinsons" – RI1PT (island Otdel'nyi Kamen', EU-188), R1ALA/1(island Vaygach, EU-086), R7AL/0 (Malminskiye islands, AS-172), CE0Y/RW3RN (Easter Island, SA-001), RW3RN/HI7 (Hispaniola, NA-096), CE0Y/RZ3FW (Easter Island, SA-001)... Many "Robinsons" showed the activity, both as individuals and as a part of various teams. RRC/IOTA/DX expeditions proceed and expand the geography!
Our club's membership continues to be grow with new members – among them EA3KS,
RT7KM, RT9T, UA9KB, KA2ZJE, RK7N, R1KRG (Karelian Robinson Group) and others,
and quite recently on II Kon-Tiki Fest 2015 in Novosibirsk in membership of RRC was
accepted the outstanding traveler of Russia – Anatoly Kulik RA9OFK/mm.
Creation of the long-awaited video film became a good New Year's gift to all radio amateurs– "On the edge of the earth. Invisible communication" about radio-expedition to Big Diomede Island RI0K. Premier display is planned for 2016, and now we present to your
attention a film trailer –
In this regard it should be noted revival of interest in our Russian islands in the Arctic and in the Far East. For 2016 we are planning many interesting actions – watch news on the club site and at the forum and for breaking news at .
On behalf of RRC I would like to thank all of you who financially supporting RRC and
actively participating in expeditions. Taking an opportunity I invite radio amateurs who share our purposes and dreams, in ranks of Russian Robinson Club.
The New Year's holiday is always beginning of new plans for future expeditions and new
projects. Friends, I wish to all of you happiness in family, great health, prosperity, Merry
Christmas and happy New Year! Hurrah!
73! Yuri Zaruba UA9OBA, President of RRC

« NA-065 KL7QK Shaw Island (WA)とのSked(2015.12.24) | トップページ | OC-286P ZL9A Cezarからのメッセージ 3 (2015.12.25) »




« NA-065 KL7QK Shaw Island (WA)とのSked(2015.12.24) | トップページ | OC-286P ZL9A Cezarからのメッセージ 3 (2015.12.25) »