オーストラリアの山火事は連日テレビで報道されていますがVKのIOTA chaserであるVK5GR Grantさんが昨晩遅くに下記のメッセージをIOTA-chasers Forumへ投稿されましたので、ご参考として転載します。Kangaroo島の半分以上が焼け野原になっている惨状とその支援のために7月のIOTAコンテスト時にOC-139 VK3KIの特別コールで運用されるようです。
My next IOTA project is now underway. Here are the details.
Kangaroo Island - IOTA OC-139
January 2020 has seen some of the worst bush fires tear across Kangaroo
Island in living memory. Over half the island (200,000 hectares or 2,000
square kilometres) has been burned, more than 50 homes were destroyed, 2
people lost their lives and many tens of thousands of animals were killed.
These fires, started by dry lightning storms in early January, have hit the
community and the environment on the island hard. Now, as the fire is being
brought under control thoughts are turning to recovery and rebuilding
shattered lives.
With an event like this, and the fires in the Adelaide Hills this summer
only 10km from home, I find the events all to close, all too real. The last
time I remember fires anything like this was Ash Wednesday in 1983 when we
could see the flames tear across the top of Mt Lofty from all over Adelaide.
I was only 11 at the time.
Today, knowing people who have been directly impacted and seeing the
devastation of the wilderness areas I love, here in my own state, I have
been looking for a meaningful way to give back something to those that have
been so badly affected. Inspired by the SA Tourism
<https://southaustralia.com/campaigns/book-them-out> #BookThemOut campaign,
aimed at supporting the tourism operators and residents on Kangaroo Island,
I hit upon the idea of staging an IOTA expedition to the island later in the
VK5KI - July 22-28th 2020
Kangaroo Island, the largest island in the OC-139 group, will be activated
by a small group of amateurs from Adelaide between 22-28th July 2020. They
will operate from a property near Emu Bay on the north coast of the island.
This coincides with the IOTA Contest in 2020. The plans at this stage
include operating on all bands from 160-10m, including as a Multi-2 station
during the contest. Outside of the contest expect to see VK5KI on all HF
bands and modes.
A special bi-fold QSL card will also be produced for the activation which
will be available via M0OXO's OQRS service (thanks again Charles). The logs
will be available via Clublog IOTA matching and LOTW once the Direct QSL
cards have been posted (early LOTW is available for those who request a
How can you show support?
Recognizing that others may also want to show their support, I have been in
contact with the South Australian Premier's Department bush fire appeal and
have been granted permission to publicize their appeal as part of this
project. There are many other appeals running currently a well. Here are
some to consider.
. To support the wider SA community recovery, please consider the
<http://sa.gov.au/bushfireappeal> State Government Bushfire Recovery appeal.
. To support the wildlife recovery efforts please consider the
Nature Foundation SA's wildlife recovery fund
. To specifically support the KI Community, please consider the
<https://au.gofundme.com/f/mayors-bushfire-appeal-fund> Kangaroo Island
Mayor's Bushfire Relief Fund
NOTE: All of the costs of the expedition itself are being met by the team,
as a way of us making a contribution back to the community. We are not
looking for direct contributions for this project but would rather people
contribute to the affected communities directly. If you do support one of
these appeals, please let us know by email to
<mailto:vk5ki.radio@gmail.com> vk5ki.radio@gmail.com. People who make
donations and let us know will receive from us early LOTW confirmations as a
thank you from us for helping our local community in this time of need.
Grant VK5GR
Email: vk5gr.radio@gmail.com
Website: <https://vk5gr-iota.net/> https://vk5gr-iota.net/
英文をぜひGoogle和訳でご確認いただくとともに上記のウエブも訪問ください。Kangaroo Islandの写真がたくさん掲載されています。
私のOC-139は開局した年の1994年11月にVK3FBM/VK5 Kangaroo Islandにて交信し、IOTAを始めた1997年にはQSLカードを受領していました。それこそKangarooの絵がプリントされていましたのですぐに見つけ出しました。
火災の支援は2005年ころにYB9BU Kadekさんの自宅が火災を受け、VE3LYCがメインとなり「HELP KADEK」運動を世界的に行ったことがあります。私はアジア地区の集金係に指名されました。当時はまだPayPalがなく、その方法に苦労しましたがJA国内、UA0から多くの支援をいただきました。
今回はKangaroo Islandのみではなく、VK全体の被災です。