私はVE3LYC Cezarさんとは15年から20年くらいのお付き合いになります。年に数回ほどメールのやり取りをしている程度です。IOTA Ltdの役員になられ相当に多忙と思っていますので特別な時以外はメールを控えています。先週はOC-070 YB8VRA & YB8VRSの件で質問をいれました。忙しいのに申し訳ないという書き方ですがすぐに回答をくださいました。
本日、午前2時41分に表題のタイトルのメールが届きました。CezarさんがIOTA-chasers Forumに投稿されましたメッセージが届きました。Club Log/LoTW QSO Matchingにおける「3つのQ & A」です。やはり感じていますとおりたくさんの問い合わせが繰り返し届くための対応として発信したとあります。回答する時間よりMatching登録作業を確保するための発信です。内容をぜひご確認ください。お役に立つと思います。
また、IOTA-chasers ForumはK0AP Draganさんが主宰して運営されています。投稿されるメッセージの重要度は発信者、受信者にとって様々ですが、この機にぜひIOTA-chasers Forum登録をお勧めします。https://groups.io/g/IOTA-chasers
In view of repeated requests received from IOTA enthusiasts on a couple of aspects, please allow me to provide a few explanations, in hope that they will be helpful.
(1) Question: why can't I obtain a QSO match for a particular operation, despite the fact that it is indicated at My IOTA > Accepted Activations?
Answer: there are two types of operations which use a particular callsign: (i) a single, unique, dedicated activity, and (ii) repeated activity, either by the same activator/ team, or different teams, from one or more islands, corresponding to one or more IOTA references . In case of (i), if the callsign is listed on the IOTA website as mentioned above, it is enabled for QSO matching and you should get your credit. In case of (ii), if the callsign is listed, there is at least one, possibly more operations or periods of time for which we reliably identified that IOTA activity has been carried out. However, this doesn't mean that we were able to identify all those operations, or the entire period of time for which IOTA activities were carried out.
(2) Question: how is the time window of any IOTA operation established?
Answer: in some cases, we have exact time windows directly from the operators, or from logs at Club Log. In other cases, we rely on information provided by our database (issued and pending credits), combined with post at DX Summit, QRZ pages, as well as information available on the DX Bulletins. I noticed that sometimes activity can be highly intense for a few days, after which it is casual, and with just one or two spots per day and no credits issued, it is impossible to reliably determine if the respective activity continues to be from that island/IOTA, or the operator(s) moved to another location. Consequently, it is possible that in different cases the time window available for QSO matching will be somewhat smaller compared to the actual period of time.
(3) Question: since I know that more IOTA logs are available at LoTW than currently enabled, when can I expect to get more QSO matches?
Answer: we are working as hard as we can do add more operations, so you may have to check from time to time avoiding to continue raising the same question over and over again. Worth noting, we do need the active support of past and current activators. Please distribute as far as wide as possible, through your friends, clubs, associations, DX Bulletins, our appeal to past activators of IOTA operations with logs at LoTW to provide us with time information about their activities. We promise that we will check their feedback promptly, add those activities to the list indicated at point 1, and enable them for QSO matching. We have plans to establish a special form on our website to allow the activators to send in their data. Until then, they can do it by emailing us at info@into-world.org<mailto:info@into-world.org>.
Thank you,
Cezar, VE3LYC